Hanna Le Jeannic

Hanna Le Jeannic

CNRS Researcher
Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

CNRS Researcher at LKB Paris. Quantum and classical cats lover. Mycology enthousiast in her free (autumnal) time.

Short Biography :

After her engineering degree in ESPCI Paris, a French Grande Ecole, she received her master degree on Optics Matter and Plasmas at Institut d’Optique in 2013. She pursued her career in quantum optics by getting her PhD  at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in Sorbonne University (formerly Pierre and Marie Curie University) under the supervision of Pr. Julien Laurat in 2016. There she studied hybrid “Continuous/Discrete” quantum information processing. She worked on the generation of the first hybrid CV-DV entangled state using parametric down conversion sources, and implementation of a variety of hybrid protocol as well as on Non Gaussian quantum state engineering. Interested by the field of nanophotonics, she went to do a 3year post doctorate at the Niels Bohr Institute in Denmark, in the group of Pr. Peter Lodahl, where she worked on quantum dots embedded in nanophotonics waveguides. In particular she worked on studying and using “giant”, i.e. single photon level, nonlinearities of light in this system. In particular, she unraveled part of the physics of the interaction of two photons with a single emitter.

She got a CNRS Researcher (tenure Associate Professor level) position in December 2020, at the age of 30, and worked on quantum nanophotonics at Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) until 2022 where she started her group at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in the NanoOptics and Quantum Fluids of Light Team. There she works on the coupling between photonic waveguides (in particular tapered optical nanofibers) and solid state quantum emitters. She is member of the scientific committee of the “Group de Recherche” on Quantum Technologies (IQFA).

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